3 Ways To Grow Your Pinterest Account | DigiHype Media Inc.

Are you really using Pinterest to its full potential?

If you haven’t been on Pinterest in a while or are brand new, you should know the key features that Pinterest has to offer.

The following article will give you some KEY tips that will make life on Pinterest A LOT easier. For example, sometimes there are features that people didn’t even know existed! So these tips will not only make full use of Pinterest’s features but will help you reach your goal on this social media platform, whether it’s improving your profile, earning more followers or driving more business to your website.

So if you are ready to jump in, here are a few tips to help you grow your Pinterest account! 

1. Organize Your Pinterest Boards

Create Pinterest categories in your boards for better organization. For example, for a board named “Baking” you could make some categories in this such as cakes, cupcakes and cookies. Not only is it neater, but this organization tactic make’s sure your boards aren’t just one long list with a variety of topics. This will help your profile become more specific and niche!

2. Secret Pinterest Boards

Pinterest gives you the option to make any board “secret” our “public” whenever you want. This is useful if you only want to create a board for your own viewing or if you are planning to create a brand new board but aren’t ready to publish it to the world! Many people use the secret board feature for things like inspiration or planning!

3. Pinterest Board Collaborations

If you want to grow your Pinterest profile a great way to do this is by collaborating with our Pinterest users on specific boards. If you don’t know how to do this, it’s super simple! Simply edit your board of choice and add other people from your niche or company so they can collaborate. This will allow them to add their own pins to the board making it even bigger and better!

In addition, you can also join a Pinterest board group which makes it easier for you to reach out to others on the platform. Simply, contact the owner of the board to see if you are allowed to join and give them a sample of your work.

It’s best to join boards that will help you in the long run, instead of joining a lot of boards that are functioning poorly or unrelated to your niche.

Start Growing on Pinterest

Pinterest is constantly growing and so are you, so get started on the platform today! Trust us, categories, secret boards and board collaborations can go a long way if used properly. Thus, these simple Pinterest tips can be applied to a variety of circumstances whether you are using the platform as a blogger, social media influencers, as a business or simply for personal use.

What Do You Think?

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