5 Easy Social Media Tips To Grow Your Small Business

Between changing algorithms and glitches (ahem, looking at you Insta) it’s important to have a strategy for each social media platform that your business has an account on. There’s a reason social media is called a ‘network’; they attract different demographics for different reasons. 


Check out these tips to understand, create and grow your social media accounts for your business: 


3 Social Media Myths 

Being able to find your customers on social media is about knowing which social media platforms they are using and how to keep up with the specific requirements.


Don’t Worry About Losing Followers

Too many business owners focus on quantity rather than quality when it comes to building their accounts. You want to make sure you attract the right people who will engage with your content.


Utilize Video Marketing

Video marketing has grown exponentially in the last few years, but creating videos can take a lot of time for social media managers. Try these tips to make video marketing a little bit easier!



Understand Your Content

Think about what makes you click “like” or “follow” on a profile – it’s probably engaging content that educates! Knowing your audience and what they’re looking for is the key to higher engagement rates.


Reach Out to Your Current Network

When trying to grow your account, try tapping into the network you’ve already built! Friends, family, former colleagues – these are all people who will want to support you and your business.



Still confused when it comes to social media? DigiHype Media has social media experts that can help with content creation and advertising to effectively reach your audience! 


Related: 3 Myths About Using Social Media For Business | Why Your Canadian Business Needs To Advertise On Social Media

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