4 Ways You Can Convert More Website Visitors into Customers

15 seconds…That’s All The Time You Have...   15 seconds - that’s how long a business has to entice a potential website visitor and turn them into a customer. If your website visitors aren’t interested within 15 seconds, you’ve lost them.    Driving traffic to your website is only half [...]

By |2024-09-18T19:27:37+00:00September 18, 2024|Marketing, News, Small Business, Website design|0 Comments

2024 Cambridge Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards

DigiHype Media was nominated for two presitgious awards at the 2024 Cambridge Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Award Ceremony this year! We were nominated for both the Business of the Year award and the Marketing Excellence award. So to celebrate these nominations we decided to shoot a vlog at [...]

By |2024-08-09T14:41:22+00:00August 11, 2024|Awards, News|0 Comments

DigiHype Media Has Won Their 3rd Consumer Choice Award!

2024 Consumer Choice Award Winner We are super excited to share that DigiHype Media has won another Consumer Choice Award for Business Excellence and this is our third year in a row! It is always an honor to be awarded for business excellence in website design and [...]

By |2024-08-09T14:44:19+00:00August 9, 2024|Awards, News|0 Comments

DigiHype Media Wins its 3rd Consumer Choice Award in Web Design!

DigiHype Media Wins the Consumer Choice Award in Website Design for the 3rd Year In A Row! We are excited to announce that for the third year running, DigiHype Media has been awarded the 2023 Consumer Choice Award for website design!  The CEO of DigiHype Media Inc. in Mississauga, says: [...]

By |2023-08-14T19:42:20+00:00August 14, 2023|Awards, News, Small Business|Comments Off on DigiHype Media Wins its 3rd Consumer Choice Award in Web Design!

Celebrating Cambridge’s 50th Anniversary

Thriving Small Businesses and Growth with DigiHype Media : Celebrating Cambridge's 50th Anniversary It's an exciting time in our new home of Cambridge, Ontario as the city gears up to celebrate its 50th anniversary and the upcoming Canada Day festivities! Let’s take a closer look at the history of Cambridge, [...]

By |2023-07-04T02:39:09+00:00July 4, 2023|Local Business, News, Small Business|Comments Off on Celebrating Cambridge’s 50th Anniversary

DigiHype Media Celebrates 9 Years in Business!

DigiHype Media is proud to announce that we have been in business for 9 years as of April 14, 2023. Our journey began in 2014 when we started offering digital marketing services to businesses in the Greater Toronto Area and has since expanded to serve businesses across Canada. We have [...]

By |2023-06-08T14:46:24+00:00June 8, 2023|Local Business, News, Small Business|Comments Off on DigiHype Media Celebrates 9 Years in Business!

DigiHype Has A New Digital Marketing Office in Cambridge!

Exciting things are happening at DigiHype Media, and we want to share the news with you! We have a new office in the Cambridge/Kitchener/Waterloo area. Making this move will help us serve more local businesses with our digital marketing services.    We’re thrilled to work with more new clients in [...]

By |2023-03-29T14:14:08+00:00March 29, 2023|Local Business, Marketing, News, Small Business|Comments Off on DigiHype Has A New Digital Marketing Office in Cambridge!

Happy Halloween from DigiHype Media’s Furry Friends!

It's Spook-Tober! Happy Halloween! It’s officially that spooky time of year again and hopefully, you are enjoying some candy and sweets with your customers! As a business, it’s important to stay on top of the latest social media trends that are happening online. So whether it is a trending [...]

By |2025-01-28T16:03:08+00:00October 31, 2022|Marketing, News|Comments Off on Happy Halloween from DigiHype Media’s Furry Friends!

Introducing the “Canadian Marketing News” Publication!

EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT!  If you are a marketer or business owner in Canada, you know it can be challenging to keep up with all of the changes announced in digital marketing! Since having a solid digital presence is vital to running a successful business these days, [...]

By |2025-01-28T16:04:35+00:00October 17, 2022|Latest Articles, Local Business Tips, Marketing, News|Comments Off on Introducing the “Canadian Marketing News” Publication!
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