How To Use Canva To Create Awesome Content

Are you using Canva for graphic design?

Get with the times, Canva is super easy to use and you don’t have to be tech savvy!

Canva will help you create customized graphics templates for all your business needs. With thousands of templates to choose from and limitless editing possibilities, Canva is your number one easy-to-use online tool for producing engaging content.     

So here’s what you can do on Canva:

  • Social Media Posts
  • Documents
  • Blog Post Cover Photos & eBooks
  • Marketing Materials
  • Social Media & Email Headers
  • Events Covers
  • Online Advertising
  • Infographics

With millions of images, photo filters, free icons, shapes and hundreds of fonts, Canva gives you the power to create effective content that will maximize engagement and help you reach your business goals.

Before you start designing in Canva, here are few things to help your design process:

  1. Know Your Brand’s Color Scheme

Before you start creating in Canva, make sure that you know your brand’s color scheme. This will give you a starting point when selecting images from the millions of options available online. You’ll have an idea of the image you want your brand to portray, which will make designing that much easier. Setting up a color scheme is important for branding as it allows you to maintain a consistent brand image enabling your audience to distinguish your work and your brand.

2. Find the Right Photos

When it comes to the curation of a blog, the photos you decide to display have the ability to draw your audience into clicking on your content. It’s safe to say that, not every photo you come across with is the right one for your brand. A photo is the foundation for a story, so choose wisely.

3. Choose a template & stand out from other brands!

Always keep in mind which channel you are using to publish your content. Are you using Facebook, Instagram, email, or simply making a printed poster? To make it easy for you, templates on Canva are arranged into categories and subcategories for different types of topics or themes. Take note of what type of content is typically published through each channel, and select a design template accordingly. For example, on Instagram, try not to use a lot of words on your post, and instead try to capture the audience’s attention with the imagery you include in the post.

Create Some Incredible Content

With Canva, your business will be able to produce engaging content consistently and very quickly. With a variety of tools at your fingertips and many design templates for you to use, Canva makes it easy to create professional, high-value content. The best part? Canva offers a free version.

Get started today!

Try Canva Now


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What Do You Think?

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