eco friendly tree planting initiative

How We Are Going To Giving Back

Digihype Media Inc. is proud to announce the DigiHype Media Tree Planting Initiative. We will plant one tree every time a company chooses Digihype Media Inc. and our digital marketing services! When you invest in your company’s digital marketing presence with one of DigiHype Media’s services, you are also investing in a fight against climate change and deforestation. DigiHype Media is not only a top digital marketing company we are also focussed on being a sustainable and eco-friendly company!

The Importance of Planting Trees & Sustainability

Three facts about the importance of planting trees and why this initiative will help change the world in a positive way!

  1. Forests still cover about 30% of the world’s land area, but they are disappearing at an alarming rate.
  2. Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to make room for something besides the forest. This can include clearing the land for agriculture or using the timber for fuel, construction or manufacturing.
  3. The removal of trees and other types of vegetation reduces available food, shelter, and breeding habitat. Environmental changes and loss of habitat makes it impossible for animals to survive, let alone thrive, leading some species to endangerment and even extinction.

Tree planting initiative farm

Why DigiHype Media is Planting Trees?

We want to contribute and give back to the environment during this climate crisis and provide habitats for wildlife.

Deforestation affects wildlife, ecosystems, weather patterns, and even the world’s climate. In cities, the shade from trees has been shown to both neighborhoods, provide shelter for animals and reduce air pollution (trees are awesome).

It is our goal at DigiHype Media to turn the world digital and also reduce our carbon footprint along the way!


What better way than to do all of this than to plant trees?

You can be a part of our environmental initiative of making a better future for our environment WHILE improving the digital future of your company!

Where Do You Plant The Trees?

We plant trees throughout Canada with a tree planting company.

How Many Trees have you planted to date?

Take a look at our virtual farm to find out how many trees we have planted as DigiHype Media Inc.

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