How To Transition Your Restaurant To The Digital World During COVID-19

How your Restaurant can Evolve to the Digital World during the Covid-19 Lockdown   As the global pandemic has persisted and worsened, the approach of governments at different levels has evolved to counter the problem. The restrictions that have been put in place mean it’s now our turn, as businesses, [...]

By |2020-04-16T14:28:17+00:00April 16, 2020|Local Business, Marketing, News|Comments Off on How To Transition Your Restaurant To The Digital World During COVID-19

Why Your Business Needs To Advertise During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Are you thinking about reducing your company’s advertising during the Coronavirus pandemic? Here’s why you shouldn’t. Coronavirus (Covid-19) is currently affecting not only our healthcare system but our economy as well. In times like these, businesses have to shift the way they operate to sustain their ability to come out [...]

By |2020-04-02T20:02:55+00:00April 2, 2020|Marketing, Social Media, Websites|Comments Off on Why Your Business Needs To Advertise During The Coronavirus Pandemic

How to Stay Connected With Customers on Social Media During Covid-19

In this era of self-isolation and social distancing, one element of our daily lives has been playing a crucial role: social media. Whether it’s to get up-to-date news, to make requests for medical supplies and equipment for hospitals or for giving the world some insight into what it’s like [...]

By |2020-04-02T18:19:44+00:00April 2, 2020|Marketing, Social Media|Comments Off on How to Stay Connected With Customers on Social Media During Covid-19

4 Productivity Tips To Help You Work From Home During Covid-19

Right now, those of us who can, are working from home. That includes your team here at DigiHype Media. We’ve been part of the work from home group for the last 9 days or so, but for us, it’s business as usual - just a change of scenery. 4 [...]

By |2020-03-27T15:48:50+00:00March 27, 2020|Productivity, Technology|Comments Off on 4 Productivity Tips To Help You Work From Home During Covid-19
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