DigiHype Media’s Tree Planting Impact

trees planted across Canada.
of a Hockey Rink worth of trees.
Canadian Provinces planted on.

Our tree planting initiative

When you invest in your company’s digital presence with one of DigiHype Media’s services, you are also investing in a fight against climate change and deforestation. We plant one tree every time a new customer chooses DigiHype Media.

The Importance of Planting Trees
  • Combat deforestation
  • Fight Climate change
  • Improve Oxygen
  • Restore Habitats
  • Provide Shelter to Animals & Wildlife
  • Improve Air Quality
  • Fight Forest Fires
Where Do You Plant The Trees?

We plant trees throughout Canada. We currently have had tree planted in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

How Many Trees have you planted?

Since starting the tree planting initative we have planted over 200 trees across Canada.

Why We are Planting Trees

of the world’s forests have been destroyed.
acres of forest are destroyed every day.
species will become extinct in the next 25 years.
billion people rely on forests for work.